This was the first project of the weekend... my task was to create a hot rod cake. I was given the following two photos to work from.

And this is what I came up with:
For this car I decided to try out a brand of fondant called Satin Ice. Basically everything on the car that is black is Satin Ice. I liked that it came in a little plastic tub. I liked that it seems a but more robust than other fondants I have used. It had a slight vanilla taste to it which was quite nice. It is a bit more expensive I think than other brands I have used, but I think it's a good product for extra special projects.
I also brought a little pot of silver paint which looked really effective on the "metal" parts of the cake.
The recipient of the cake seemed really pleased with it and was already taking photos for facebook before I had left from dropping it off.
Wow Liz, that is awesome!!!